Train Sim World 5

Train Sim World August Update

To coincide with the release of Train Sim World 2020, we shall be releasing an update to Train Sim World for all existing players.
Please see the full changelist below:


  • Character Outfit Viewer – When you create a new in-game profile, you can view your character in the multiple outfits which are supplied with each route.
  • Renamed some game modes:
    • Tutorials have been renamed to Training
    • Service Mode has been renamed to Timetable
    • Collectables have been renamed to Jobs
  • More “at-a-glance” information has been added to the ‘Route Selection’ section and are then taken to the main menu, on the right-hand side you will see an info panel which informs you of progress of completing X number of:
    • Timetabled Services (previously known as Services)
    • Scenarios
    • Training Modules (previously known as Tutorials)
    • Accumulated distance travelled on that route
    • Jobs (previously known as Collectables)
  • Diorama Selector – From the main menus, the user can now select from two available dioramas to display in the background. The selection includes:
    • Depot/Shed
    • Rural Station
  • A new look for the Training, Scenarios and Timetable menus
  • New Debrief Screen which includes a graph which shows how well you maintained your speed vs the speed limit. A table is also shown with a breakdown of your stops, due time, actual time and stop accuracy
  • Improved the representation of subtitles
  • Improved the Schedule Info Display:
    • Available on the pause menu or in-game
    • Displays a much clearer outline of completed and upcoming tasks, including due times, actual times and Action Points earned
  • On the pause menu, we’ve also improved the “Message Log” showing all messages relayed to the player whilst driving
  • Added ‘Journeys’:
  • More than 24 hours of sequential gameplay for Peninsula Corridor, Main-Spessart Bahn, Northern Trans-Pennine, Long Island Rail Road, Great Western Express and CSX Heavy Haul
    • Strings together existing training modules, scenarios and a curated selection of services with defined weather and other parameters
    • Enables players to simply keep clicking next and explore everything a route has to offer
  • Palette change – The UI has been changed to Green throughout
  • Improved menu flow, for example combining the locomotive and weather selection screens
  • New Game Introduction added
  • New Route Introductions added to Peninsula Corridor, Main-Spessart Bahn, Northern Trans-Pennine, Long Island Rail Road and Great Western Express
  • Completely reworked scoring system:
    • Action Points (AP) are indicated in the upper right of the screen when playing a scenario, training module or timetabled service and is an award of points for completing certain activities and get added to your XP and count toward your character profile level
  • Medals are now awarded for completing training modules, scenarios or services on Peninsula Corridor, Main-Spessart Bahn and Northern Trans-Pennine, Long Island Rail Road and Great Western Express and are shown in the main menu next to the gameplay mode name. The medal you are awarded is based on the AP score obtained. If the top-level medal has not been awarded, the user can replay and try to beat their previous score. The medals on offer are:
    • Bronze
    • Silver
    • Gold
  • Resolved an issue whereby the "Car Collector" achievement /trophy was unattainable
  • Revisions to audio occlusion engine to reduce instances of outside-world occlusion failing to be applied when inside rolling stock
  • Resolved an issue whereby AI driver avatars could be missing at the start of services, scenarios and training modules
  • Optimisations to route audio content to reduce instances where platform memory limits may have been hit during gameplay
  • Optimisations to core engine task scheduling to improve CPU performance
  • Updates and fixes to localisation across the core content and routes

Main-Spessart Bahn

  • Resolved instances where the Destination Board in the DB BR 146.2 failed to restore its state when resuming saved games
  • Improved the texture resolution on some of the DB BR 146.2 displays for console platforms
  • Resolved instances where the Destination Board in the DoStos failed to restore their state when resuming saved games
  • Improved the texture resolution on some of the DoSto displays on console platforms
  • Resolved an issue whereby SIFA would be non-operable on the DoStos
  • Resolved an issue whereby SIFA would be non-operable on the DB BR 185.2
  • Resolved an issue whereby DB BR 185.2 MU cabling would clip through rolling stock
  • Improved crowd ambient audio across the route
  • Resolved an issue whereby incorrect clothing could be applied to passenger models
  • Resolved an issue whereby reloading ‘Saturday Circuit’, after completing the ‘Change Ends’ task, would stop subsequent task prompts

Northern Trans-Pennine

  • Resolved an issue whereby passenger doors could be opened whilst the BR Class 101 is moving
  • Resolved an issue whereby the player avatar could t-pose whilst seated in the conductor or guard seats of the BR Class 101
  • Resolved an issue whereby the light indicator panel and marker light indicators would fail to illuminate on application of the “test light” switch in the BR Class 101
  • Resolved an issue whereby the light indicator panel would be functional without the control circuit key being set in the BR Class 101
  • Ambient road traffic added to route
  • Revisions to audio occlusion engine to reduce instances of outside-world occlusion failing to be applied when inside rolling stock
  • Optimised lighting content at Leeds, Manchester and Huddersfield stations to reduce instances where platform memory limits may have been hit during gameplay
  • Banner repeaters across the route are now lit at night
  • Applied various collision improvements across the route to prevent players accessing out-of-bounds play errors

Long Island Rail Road

  • Improved the texture resolution on some of the M7 surfaces for console platforms
  • Resolved an issue whereby tunnel audio occlusion was being incorrectly applied
  • Resolved an issue whereby the 12B signal at Queens would fail to show the correct aspect
  • Resolved an issue whereby some of the station pillar models at Penn station would flicker
  • Resolved an issue whereby Penn tunnel would fail to stream in correctly
  • Improved passenger navigation at New Hyde Park station
  • Resolved an issue whereby foliage across the route could flicker
  • Resolved station stop timings so that they match the player’s performance and avoids conflict with AI at the end which was forcing the player to be late in the ‘Change at Jamaica’ scenario

Northeast Corridor New York

  • Resolved an issue whereby the ACS-64 speedometer displayed overall vehicle speed and not the loco’s wheel speed
  • Resolved an instance where one of the route collectables was unobtainable
  • Resolved an issue whereby Penn tunnel would fail to stream in correctly

CSX Heavy Haul

  • Swapped the positions of Brake Pressure and Throttle objectives so that the player must wait for the brakes to charge before applying throttle in the ‘Clear Cut’ scenario
  • Optimisations to the performance of freight car rolling stock

Great Western Express

  • Improved sky cloud visuals
  • Resolved player being able to fail a station stop in the ‘Down the Line’ scenario, if they didn’t commence passenger loading immediately upon stopping at the platform.


  • Updated traction engine modelling to latest physics engine
The update will start to roll out automatically from 3PM BST on August 15th, specific download time may depend on your region. Download size will vary per platform and will depend on how much content you own.
Screenshots and images displayed in this article may depict content that is still in development. The licensed brands may not have been approved by their respective owner and some artwork may still be pending approval.
Train Sim World 5
Train Sim World August Update