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FSX: RJ Mitchell’s Masterpiece - Dunkirk Spitfire from Just Flight comes to Steam
Evoking the origins of the original Mk1 and Mk1a Spitfires designed by the legendary RJ Mitchell, Just Flight’s Dunkirk Spitfire [] recreates in incredible detail a handful of examples that flew in the early stages of World War 2. This pack includes three aircraft models with realistic weather and wear effects, the Mk1 (very early with two-bladed propeller, flat-top canopy, rudder balance guard ring and pump-operated landing gear), Mk1 (early pump-operated landing gear, low profile canopy) and Mk1A (later hydraulically operated landing gear, higher profile canopy). Created using factory engineering drawings and detail research photographs of actual Dunkirk Spitfire restorations, the level of detail is sure to please FSX: Steam Edition pilots. Many unique animations including 'safety' stage door opening (locks canopy in open position when landing. * Fully animated, highly realistic pilot with period detail and animated goggles and oxygen mask - automatic at set altitude. * Fully detailed TR9 radio installed behind opening radio/first aid hatch. * Battery/Start cart included and authentic start effect for prop. * Authentic asymmetrical landing gear retraction on both models with ‘notched’ gear retraction and extension on hand-pump model. * Forced wheels-up landing splintered wooden propeller feature on the very early Mk1 model. * Authentically detailed Mk1 hand-pumped landing gear correctly simulated (30 pumps to lower, 15 to raise). * Unique 'shake' on airframe at engine start and idle. * 'Hidden' period radios for Navigation and Communication, accessed via correct radio control in cockpit. To find out more, click here [].
7 years ago
FSX: Calling all VFR Pilots! Revolution-X now available on Steam from Just Flight
Just Flight’s Revolution-X comes to Steam for FSX: Steam Edition! [] If you’re into VFR flying in the UK, you will appreciate the greater accuracy provided by Just Flight’s VFR Real Scenery add-ons (click here if you haven’t tried them yet [] . With Revolution-X, you can now experience Just Flight’s photo scenery with the added benefit and realism of millions of auto-gen buildings, trees and hedgerows correctly placed in the landscape. VFR (Visual Flight Rules) flying requires the pilot to be able to accurately pinpoint the aircraft’s location by identifying ground landmarks. Just Flight’s VFR Real Scenery series provides improved accuracy in FSX: Steam Edition for VFR pilots, and now Revolution-X will enhance your VFR environment by using GIS data to realistically place 3D buildings and foliage. Revolution-X uses its own 3D night lighting system, with millions of light objects including major roads and individual buildings giving an improved night VFR experience. At the top 110 major airports, airfields and military airports, special care has been taken to tailor the placement of real world objects around the runways and taxiways to ensure the best overall enhancement. Click here for full details []. Please note that Revolution-X requires the respective Just Flight VFR Real Scenery pack to be installed in the UK region where you will be flying.
7 years ago