Train Sim World 5

Add-ons Manager is Here.

We know you’ve been waiting patiently, but we’re excited to finally announce that Add-ons Manager is finally here, for both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 users. Other platforms will be following shortly.
As a note: Users may experience longer loading times dependant on the amount of add-ons they have installed at one time, please be patient when launching the game while the add-ons are being set up.

What is Add-ons Manager?

Add-ons Manager is a bespoke solution we’ve developed that will allow you to play all your Train Sim World add-ons without worrying about add-on size limits. It will exist in the technical back-end side of your system, which will mean there isn’t an interface or anything you need to activate - It simply allows the content you want to play to be ‘mounted’ before starting each game session, bypassing the 64 GB limit that is imposed by Sony for add-ons on PlayStation5.
It will also have a positive impact on your consoles's performance, predominantly with a reduction in the number of crashes, and also bring memory improvements when multiple add-ons are installed. The most impact will be seen by players on 8th-gen consoles when playing with lots of add-ons.
As a side note, with this change we will be disabling background Add-ons installations, so players will need to restart their game session to see any new content that has been downloading in the background.

What About Other Platforms?

As an update on when other platforms will receive Add-ons Manager, below is our current roll-order:
  • PS5 (Tuesday, February 28th at 10am)
  • PS4 - (Wednesday, March 29th at 16:00pm)
  • Xbox - TBC (Xbox One and Series S/X)
  • PC - TBC
We do not currently have dates for these platforms as we are still testing them, but we will share news on these as soon as we are able to.
For all feedback and issues regarding this, we’ve setup an Add-on Manager Feedback thread dedicated for helping us gather information as we rollout the manager across all our platforms.
Thank you all for your extended patience with us as we delivered this solution.
Train Sim World 5
Add-ons Manager is Here.