Train Sim World 5

Train Sim World 3 – Master the Electrics!

Head into Germany’s northwest region using both new and familiar locomotives with Train Sim World 3: Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg, arriving as an Add-on Tuesday December 6th!
Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg marks the first German route addition to Train Sim World 3, following the release of Schnellfahrstrecke Kassel-Würzburg with the Standard and Deluxe Editions of the game. With this latest route, a distinctly different mode of traction takes local services of the late 2000s between the cities of Bremen and Oldenburg, accompanied by the long-awaited n-Wagen carriage sets and its cab car, allowing for a variety of operations across the busy, vibrant, and varied route.


Hauling these trains is a new member of the Train Sim World fleet – the DB BR 110.3, along with some familiar locomotives in new liveries. The 110.3 is a variant of what was formerly known as the E 10 class of locomotives, originally built in 1952, and remains a favourite among railfans today. During its lifetime its use switched focus from express passenger trains to localised services and it is used very much in the latter for its inclusion in Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg. The n-Wagen carriage set that it hauls has long been requested by the Train Sim World community, again being popular with railfans interested in German rolling stock.
Joining the BR 110.3 are two locomotives with an established Train Sim World past. The BR 425 EMU was first introduced on the Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr route and in reality can be found operating regional services across a large part of Germany. Its inclusion on the Bremen – Oldenburg line offers players some familiar, contemporary traction with which to get used to the route and features some minor updates. The unit appears cosmetically as it would new, in a livery specifically for this region of Germany and includes LZB functionality for use on other routes.
Similarly, the BR 155 was released as a standalone locomotive add-on for Ruhr Sieg Nord and layers onto a number of other the German routes. This freight locomotive, built in the late 1970s, comes included with Bremen – Oldenburg in distinctive blue ‘PRESS’ livery, which is new for this release, along with new large Tadgs freight wagons.


These three engaging locomotives run a variety of services across a busy timetable, with the BR 110.3 running end-to-end services in both push-pull mode, in conjunction with the n-Wagen cab car, as well as some without the cab car, necessitating ‘running around’ the train on arrival at its destination.
The BR 155 fulfils the freight diagrams, with some light engine moves also thrown in and the BR 425 operates services between Bremen and Hude, before branching off from the main route. In total, Gen9 players can expect 1,478 services with all the prerequisite layers installed, 272 of which are playable. Read on to find out how experience might differ between Gen8 and Gen9.
There’ll also be layering across a selection of German Train Sim World Compatible routes and locomotives, making things even more varied for those with previously purchased add-ons, including Schnellfahrstrecke Kassel-Würzburg. This includes:
With the large amount of services included on the route, there will be some small differences between what Gen9 and Gen8 players will be able to experience. Whilst the majority of layers and additional services are available on both Gen8 and Gen9, the following will be exclusively for Gen9 players:
  • More static stock at Bremen Hbf
  • Playable and AI ICE services.
  • AI BR 146 / Dosto services at Bremen Hbf
  • AI 363 services at Bremen Hbf
  • Playable 363 museum runs
There is quite a lot of AI traffic to be seen at Bremen Hbf, as well as some rare and unique things to find. Players that liked Dresden on the Dresden-Chemnitz timetable and Wurzburg Hbf should really like this one!


This myriad of trains operate through scenery typical of northern Germany on a railway line first opened in 1867. At either end sit the impressive stations of Bremen Hauptbahnhof and Oldenburg Hauptbahnhof but between them are features and landmarks to spot along the way. Perhaps the most obvious are those just east of Oldenburg, with the ‘Eisenbahn-Klappbrücke’, a uniquely animated railway bridge, and the railway’s water tower ‘Bahnwasserturm Oldenburg Hafen’ of 1908 located nearby.
The route also brings the first-ever customisable landmark to Train Sim World, with a large river barge being included in the Livery Designer! Make a mark on the landscape by adding a splash of colour and flair to this animated floating feature.
Like Birmingham Cross-City before it, Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg comes with all the enhanced lighting and weather features of Train Sim World 3, including dynamic weather and volumetric skies. Livery Designer and Scenario Planner can also make use of the new route and locomotives, as can the Training Center, where tutorials will guide you through the features of the BR 110.3 in particular.
Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg arrives for Train Sim World 3 on December 6th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Epic Games Store, and Steam! It will be available for £29.99/$39.99/€35.99
Join the Railfan TV team on Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook this Thursday, December 1st, at 17:00 UTC (18:00 CET) to catch your first proper glimpse of Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg and the BR 110.3.
If you'd like to ask us anything about the route and rolling stock, please head to our dedicated Q&A thread, in which we'll gather as many as we can to answer in the live stream.
Find out more about the Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg, Train Sim World 3, and more by following @trainsimworld on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok.
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Train Sim World 5
Train Sim World 3 – Master the Electrics!