Let's take a look at what venues you'll be competing on in July’s, 5 week Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour DFL! Big Bass Tour Week 1 – Lake Miller Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Week 2 – Lake Arnold Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 3 – Lake Guntersville Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 4 – Lake Johnson Species: Largemouth Bass Week 5 – Lake Dylan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Carp Championship Week 1 – Wrasbury Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Ghost Carp Week 2 – Gillhams Species: Common Carp, Siamese Carp Week 3 – Waldsee Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 4 – Manor Farm Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Ghost Carp Week 5 – Talon Fishery Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Match Series Week 1 – Lough Kerr Species: Rudd, Bream, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp Week 2 – Grand Union Species: Perch, Rudd, Pike, Bream, Tench, Roach, Common Carp , Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Zander, Barbel Week 3 – Laguna Iquitos Species: Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Black Pacu, Peacock Bass, Giant Wolf Fish Week 4 – Jezioro Bestii Species: Perch, Rudd, Pike, Bream, Catfish, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp, Zander, Barbel, Brown Trout Week 5 – Lake Boulder Species: Pike, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Long nose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Yellow Perch, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon Predator Challenge Week 1 – Lake Guntersville Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout Week 2 – Lake Travis Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout Week 3 – Lake Dylan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch Week 4 – Grand Union Species: Perch, Pike, Zander Week 5 – Lago Del Mundo Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Catfish, Perch, Rudd, Pike, Zander, Largemouth Bass, Barbel
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
Let's take a look at what venues you'll be competing on in June's Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour DFL! Big Bass Tour Week 1 – Lake Dylan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Week 2 – Lake Boulder Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Week 3 – Lake Jordan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 4 – Lake Williams Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Carp Championship Week 1 – Jezioro Bestii Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 2 – Bergsee Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Leather Carp Week 3 – Gigantica Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 4 – Gigantica Road Lake Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp Match Series Week 1 – Bergsee Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Leather Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Rudd, Perch, Pike, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Week 2 – Lago del Mundo Species: Catfish, Perch, Pike, Zander, Largemouth Bass, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach, Rudd, Tench, Bream, Barbel Week 3 – Lake Miller Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch, Brown Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon Week 4 – Waldsee Species: Perch, Rudd, Pike, Bream, Catfish, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp, Zander, Barbel, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Predator Challenge Week 1 – Lake Arnold Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye, Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch Week 2 – Laguna Iquitos Species: Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Black Pacu, Peacock Bass, Giant WolfFish Week 3 – Lake Seminole Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye Week 4 – Jezioro Bestii Species: Perch, Pike, Catfish, Zander, Brown Trout
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
April DFL is all wrapped up, let's take a look at what venues you'll be competing on in May! Good luck and tight lines! Big Bass Tour Week 1 – Lake Arnold Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 2 – Lake Travis Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 3 – Lake Guntersville Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 4 – Lake Seminole Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Carp Championship Week 1 – Waldsee Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 2 – Grand Union Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp Week 3 – Lago del Mundo Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp Week 4 – Manor Farm Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Ghost Carp Match Series Week 1 – Talon Fishery Species: Rudd, Bream, Catfish, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 2 – Gillhams Species: Arapaima, Black Pacu, Mekong Catfish, Redtail Catfish, Siamese Carp, Common Carp Week 3 – Laguna Iquitos Species: Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Black Pacu, Peacock Bass, Giant Wolf Fish Week 4 – Wraysbury Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Perch, Pike Predator Challenge Week 1 – Lake Williams Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Bluegill, Yellow Perch, Channel Catfish, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Week 2 – Jezioro Bestii Species: Perch, Pike, Catfish, Zander, Brown Trout Week 3 – Lake Miller Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch, Brown Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon Week 4 – Lake Boulder Species: Pike, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Yellow Perch, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
Our 5-week March DFL is over! We are jumping right into Aprils Leagues. Here is a full list of the venues this month, including their species. Good luck and tight lines! Big Bass Tour Week 1 – Lake Boulder Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Week 2 – Lake Miller Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Week 3 – Lake Williams Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 4 – Lake Dylan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Carp Championship Week 1 – Bergsee Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Leather Carp Week 2 – Road Lake Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp Week 3 – Gillhams Species: Siamese Carp, Common Carp Week 4 – Talon Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Match Series Week 1 – Lake Johnson Species: Largemouth Bass, Chain Pickerel, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Yellow Perch, Bluegill, Longnose Gar Week 2 – Lough Kerr Species: Rudd, Bream, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp Week 3 – Waldsee Species: Perch, Rudd, Pike, Bream, Catfish, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp, Zander, Barbel, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Week 4 – Bergsee Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Leather Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Rudd, Perch, Pike, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Predator Challenge Week 1 – Lake Guntersville Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout Week 2 – Lake Dylan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch Week 3 – Lake Seminole Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye Week 4 – Lago del Mundo Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Catfish, Perch, Rudd, Pike, Zander, Largemouth Bass, Barbel
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
Trophy Fish Thursday
This is a weekly thread updated with tips & tricks for catching different Trophy Fish in Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour. You'll be able to see the location for different fish, the best baits to use, and what rods you should be using. Keep an eye out each week for a new Trophy Fish post! Maurice - Lago Del Mundo This week we are starting with Maurice the Catfish on Lago del Mundo. This is a tricky one to land and is the definition of a Trophy Fish! Butterfly - Lake Arnold This Thursday we are heading over to Lake Arnold to see how to catch our fluttering Blue Gill, Butterfly. Potato - Lough Kerr Today's carb based Trophy Fish is Potato on Lough Kerr. For this one, you'll need to move around and explore the venue as Potato has been seen all over! Getxo - Lago Del Mundo This week we are heading back over to Lago Del Mundo to try and find Getxo. If you were looking for Maurice before, then you won't have far to go! Snobby - Grand Union Taking a cast over at Grand Union this week with Snobby the Bream. A posh Bream worthy of a screenshot once caught, but this one will make you work for it. Snobby can be caught all over the venue. Bowie - Lake Travis The legend of the lake. Living up to his name and species, this Largemouth Bass can be caught down the south of the lake, bring a big lure though because this one is huge! Queimada - Lado Del Mundo Heading back over to Lado Del Mundo this week to try and catch Queimada. This is a tricky Bass to net, but if you follow these tips you'll hopefully be able to grab a picture of this one in the boat! Jackson - Lake Guntersville Today we are heading over to Lake Guntersville to hunt for Jackson the Spotted Bass. Jackson is a big bass so you'll wanna stick to the bigger lures, we recommend the Baitshack BigDog. Saturn - Lake Arnold You won't need your telescope, but you will need your rod. Today's Trophy Fish Thursday is Saturn the Smallmouth bass on Lake Arnold. Despite being a Smallmouth, this one's heavy! Athos - Lake Boulder This weeks Trophy Fish Thursday is Athos the Muskie on Lake Boulder. This ones a tough one to find, make sure to share your screenshots with us when you catch Athos! Lilypad - Lake Seminole Today’s Trophy Fish Thursday is Lilypad on Lake Seminole. You can chuck out a soft plastic swimbait for this one, or if you’d rather, you can use a Korda Sweetcorn. Gnasher - Lago del Mundo Today we are heading over to Lago del Mundo to hunt for Gnasher. This Zander will be a tough fight for even the skilled anglers, so get ready to battle this one into the net. Aramis - Lake Boulder Back on Lake Boulder this week for the neighbour to Athos! Aramis is another big muskie so you'll need to get your big dog lures out for this one. Houdini - Lake Miller We are on Lake Miller this week hunting down the magical Houdini. This big bass requires a big lure to fight into the boat. Mr Green - Lake Miller This week we are back on Lake Miller looking for Mr Green. This large Northern Pike will give you a fight so be ready with your best setup! The Defender - Lake Arnold Today we are heading back to Lake Arnold to take on The Defender. This Walleye will give you a run for your money. Make sure you're ready to take this one on! The Tribal Pike - Lake Arnold The Tribal Pike is a rare Northern Pike. You'll know it's The Tribal Pike when you spot the darker than normal pattern. We recommend taking The 48 Bubblegum with you and your trusty Baitcaster.
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
The February leagues are over and we move into a big month of competition! This month we have 5 weeks of leagues, so plenty of time to get some big scores up on the board! Good luck everyone. Big Bass Tour Week 1 – Lake Seminole Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 2 – Lake Guntersville Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 3 – Lake Travis Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 4 – Lake Jordan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 5 – Lake Johnson Species: Largemouth Bass Carp Championship Week 1 – Jezioro Bestii Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 2 – Manor Farm Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Ghost Carp Week 3 – Waldsee Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 4 – Wraysbury Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Ghost Carp Week 5 – Gigantica Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp Match Series Week 1 – Lago del Mundo Species: Catfish, Perch, Pike, Zander, Largemouth Bass, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach, Rudd, Tench, Bream, Barbel Week 2 – Wraysbury Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Perch, Pike Week 3 – Lake Miller Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Blue gill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch, Brown Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon Week 4 – Grand Union Species: Perch, Rudd, Pike, Bream, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Zander, Barbel Week 5 – Talon Fisher Species: Rudd, Bream, Catfish, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Predator Challenge Week 1 – Laguna Iquitos Species: Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Black Pacu, Peacock Bass, Giant WolfFish Week 2 – Grand Union Species: Pike, Perch, Zander Week 3 – Gillhams Species: Arapaima, Black Pacu, Mekong Catfish, Redtail Catfish, Siamese Carp, Common Carp Week 4 – Lake Arnold Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Blue gill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye, Muskellunge, Pike, Yellow Perch Week 5 – Lake Seminole Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Blue gill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Walleye
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
The February Dovetail Fishing League is officially over! Let’s jump into the leaderboards and see if anyone managed to knock the winners from last month off the top. Xbox Widowmaker181 knocks Scoobyhaze420 off the top this month and takes the Angler of the Month. Widowmaker181 didn’t come first in any of the leagues, but they consistently scored high across all 4 series. Congrats Widowmaker181! Angler of the Month: Widowmaker181 Series Winners Big Bass Tour: DLakerton Carp Championship: DazzerB05 Match Series: perex62 Predator Challenge: perex62 PlayStation This month on PlayStation we had an even spread of winners across the leagues, but Ginger-Beard90 takes the Angler of the Month with a huge score. Well done Ginger-Beard90. Angler of the Month: Ginger-Beard90 Series Winners Big Bass Tour: HarryStankfoot Carp Championship: H-alphaFox Match Series: Fenix26 Predator Challenge: Ginger-Beard90 Steam On Steam this month we had a total wipe across the leaderboard by Facadedavid. A super close second on the Carp Championship by HANIYUdotCOM. Well done Facadedavid for winning this month’s Angler of the month. Can anyone knock Facadedavid off the top next month? Angler of the Month: Facadedavid Series Winners Big Bass Tour: Facadedavid Carp Championship: Facadedavid Match Series: Facadedavid Predator Challenge: Facadedavid Well done to everyone who took part this month and congratulations to the winners! March is a 5-week league so let’s see some big scores. Tight lines and good luck everyone!
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
The first months fishing league for 2021 is over and we roll straight into another line up of exciting competition in Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour! Keep an eye out for Gillhams in the first week for the Match Series, this is a tricky venue with the highest score of just 21 last time, let’s see who can beat it. Big Bass Tour Week 1 – Lake Arnold Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 2 – Lake Dylan Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Week 3 – Lake Williams Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass Week 4 – Lake Miller Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Carp Championship Week 1 – Talon Fishery Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp Week 2 – Lago del Mundo Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp Week 3 – Gigantica Road Lake Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp Week 4 – Grand Union Species: Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Leather Carp Match Series Week 1 – Gillhams Species: Arapaima, Black Pacu, Mekong Catfish, Redtail Catfish, Siamese Carp, Common Carp Week 2 – Waldsee Species: Perch, Rudd, Pike, Bream, Catfish, Tench, Roach, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Ghost Carp, Zander, Barbel, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Week 3 – Laguna Iquitos Species: Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Black Pacu, Peacock Bass, Giant Wolf Fish Week 4 – Bergsee Species: Ghost Carp, Common Carp, Mirror Carp, Koi Carp, Leather Carp, Roach, Tench, Bream, Rudd, Perch, Pike, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout Predator Challenge Week 1 – Lake Boulder Species: Pike, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Yellow Perch, Walleye, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon Week 2 – Lake Guntersville Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Chain Pickerel, Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout Week 3 – Jezioro Bestii Species: Perch, Pike, Catfish, Zander, Brown Trout Week 4 – Lake Travis Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Longnose Gar, Blue gill, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
Publisher Weekend Steam Sale - Fishing Sim World
The Fishing Publisher Weekend on Steam is underway and there are some amazing discounts for Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour whether you are a brand-new customer or already own the title and need to pick up some of our additional content! Be warned, you’ll have to be fast as the sale ends on the 25th January! Not played the title before?! Pick up our deluxe edition which gives you some exclusive equipment and 20,000 Tackle Points to set you on your way for an incredible 60% off. Need to complete your collection?! Pick up additional content such as the Quad Lake pass also with 60% off. Link to sale - Here [] The full list is as follows; Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour: Deluxe Edition -60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour – 55% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour: Bass Pro Shops Edition – 30% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour: Bass Pro Shops Equipment Pack – 30% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lake Williams – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lake Arnold – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Jezioro Bestii – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lake Dylan – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Trophy Hunter's Equipment Pack – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Gigantica Road Lake – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Quad Lake Pass – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lago del mundo – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Tournament Bass Pack – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Tackle Box Equipment Pack – 55% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Giant Carp Pack – 60% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Laguna Iquitos – 55% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Talon Fishery – 45% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lough Kerr – 45% off Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Big Fish Lure Pack – 40% off
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
The Catch: Carp & Coarse Deluxe Edition is out now!
The deluxe version of The Catch: Carp & Coarse gives you the fantastic core game as well as the exciting additional venue, Jezioro Bestii for one great price! The Catch: Carp & Coarse Deluxe Edition will give you access to the following; • 6 world destinations including Jezioro Bestii • 35 different species of fish • 150 legendary boss fish • 100’s of items of equipment PS4 EU: PS4 US: Xbox: [] Steam: Featuring 6 unique destinations that all present their own challenges. Jezioro Bestii is an 18-acre lake and a closely guarded secret by those that visit. A spectacular venue containing fish that should be on every anglers’ wish list. Oxlease Lake on the Linear Fisheries complex is a specimen carp water with some great back up species including tench and roach. The River Ebro is home to huge wels catfish and Pearl Lake in Malaysia features exotic monsters such as arapaima and giant wolf fish. Go urban street fishing in Rotterdam city centre or explore the openness of Loch Mickle in Scotland that both contain predators such as pike and zander. Will you have the skills to successfully land a monster in one of these amazing venues? Will it be that once in a lifetime fish you’ve been searching for? It’s all about The Catch!
Fishing Sim World - 4 years ago
Pro Tour - July 2020 Angler of the Month
August has begun and with it we have started a new season in the Dovetail Fishing League. Before we look to the events of the August season, let's find out who the winners for July were. Xbox One We had some tense finishes in the final week of the season on Xbox. Bobcin3 did enough to hold off the chasing pack and take the win in the Big Bass Tour. Assassin8331 made sure of the Carp Championship title by taking third in the final week. A last ditch dash to the line proved crucial for WicksySPY442 as he was our winner in the Match Series. He was also able to knock Assassin off the top spot to take the Predator Challenge series with a win in the final week. The two series wins and strong finishes elsewhere mean that WicksySPY442 is the July Angler of the Month! Congratulations to him! Angler of the Month: WicksySPY442 Series Winners Big Bass Tour: bobcin3 Carp Championship: Assassin8331 Match Series: WicksySPY442 Predator Challenge: WicksySPY442 PlayStation 4 There was still plenty to play for heading in to the final week on PlayStation. MLT24 was able to hold off those around him to come out with the victory in the Big Bass Tour. SMOKEYMON-G-313 confirmed his place as the Carp Championship winner with a third place finish in the final week. A shared victory with Ginger-Beard90 made sure of the Match Series win. Despite the best efforts of MLT24, SMOKEYMON-G-313 was also able to come out on top in the Predator Challenge. Congratulations to our Angler of the Month SMOKEYMON-G-313! Three series wins and a second place in the Big Bass Tour give him the overall victory this month. Angler of the Month: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Series Winners Big Bass Tour: MLT24 Carp Championship: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Match Series: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Predator Challenge: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Steam On Steam we see another angler with a hat-trick of series wins this month. Starting off with the Big Bass Tour, MilkinBad took a win in week 4 for a comfortable victory for the series. Stoner.M made sure he couldn't be caught as he took a win in the final week of the Carp Championship which seals his win in the series. MilkinBad took his second series of the month as he comes out on top in the Match Series. He also took the win in the Predator Challenge following a clean sweep of the tournaments for this month. Three series wins and a very close second place give MilkinBad the Angler of the Month title. Congratulations to MilkinBad! Angler of the Month: MilkinBad Series Winners Big Bass Tour: MilkinBad Carp Championship: Stoner.M Match Series: MilkinBad Predator Challenge: MilkinBad Congratulations to all of our winners and good luck to everyone as we move in to our August season. Let's see where we'll be headed for the first week of this season. Big Bass Tour: We kick off the Big Bass Tour season with a night time tournament on Lake Arnold. There's light cloud over head in this one. Carp Championship: Heavy rain is forecast as we start the Carp Championship with a sunrise tournament on Gigantica Main Lake. Match Series: Florida is our destination as Lake Johnson plays host to the first round of the Match Series. You'll be fishing at sunset with dynamic weather in this one. Predator Challenge: Week 1 of the Predator Challenge takes us to Lake Jordan. Popular on the bass tours but also a great lake for predator fishing. It's a clear morning here.
Fishing Sim World - 5 years ago
Pro Tour - July Week 4 Tournament Details
It's the final week of the Dovetail Fishing League season for July and your last chance to put those points on the board in the battle to become Angler of the Month. Let's see how things stand as we head in to the last week of the season. Xbox One Big Bass Tour A win for GameLotus690127 at Lake Williams in week 3 isn't enough to bring them in to the top 3 but they'll be looking for another strong result in the final week to close that gap. Bobcin3 leads the way and has PhillyBass 1965 and FutureSpace1685 chasing after him. Week Winner: GameLotus690127 Season leader: bobcin3 Season 2nd place: PhillyBass 1965 Season 3rd place: FutureSpace1685 Carp Championship SithLord5678 closed in on current leader Assassin8331 with a win on Grand Union Canal in the Carp Championship. They sit in third in the standings with bobcin3 ahead of them in second. Week Winner: SithLord5678 Season leader: Assassin8331 Season 2nd place: bobcin3 Season 3rd place: SithLord5678 Match Series Laguna Iquitos played host to the Match Series in week 3 and it was a win for Assassin8331. They're in pole position heading in to the final week and will be looking to hold off WicksySPY442 and FutureSpace1685 to take the series win. Week winner: Assassin8331 Season leader: Assassin8331 Season 2nd place: WicksySPY442 Season 3rd place: FutureSpace1685 Predator Challenge It was 2 wins in week 3 for Assassin8331 as they also took victory in the Predator Challenge on Lago del mundo. They sit at the top of the leaderboard with perex62 and WicksySPY442 looking to take the win away from them. Week winner: Assassin8331 Season leader: Assassin8331 Season 2nd place: perex62 Season 3rd place: WicksySPY442 Global standings WicksySPY442 is currently the frontrunner in the Angler of the Month standings. He'll need to hold off the chasing pack led by bobcin3 in second and Assassin8331 in third. Leader: WicksySPY442 2nd Place: bobcin3 3rd Place: Assassin8331 PlayStation 4 Big Bass Tour Week Winner: MLT24 Season leader: MLT24 Season 2nd place: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 3rd place: bobcin3/kartoffel6 Carp Championship Week Winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: Ginger-Beard90 Season 3rd place: MLT24 Match Series Week winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: Ginger-Beard90 Season 3rd place: MLT24 Predator Challenge Week winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: Outlaw-BoB-/kartoffel6 Season 3rd place: stumain Global standings Leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 2nd Place: MLT24 3rd Place: Ginger-Beard90 Steam Big Bass Tour Week Winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: KYA-Beast Season 3rd place: facadedavid Carp Championship Week Winner: MilkinBad 1 point Season leader: Stoner.M Season 2nd place: MilkinBad Season 3rd place: Fishing Love Match Series 3 wins Week winner: MilkinBad Season leader:MilkinBad Season 2nd place: KYA-Beast Season 3rd place: Stoner.M Predator Challenge 3 wins Week winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: kensauter20 Season 3rd place: KYA-Beast Global standings Leader: MilkinBad 2nd Place: KYA-Beast 3rd Place: facadedavid This week's details Big Bass Tour: Lake Boulder Carp Championship: Talon Fishery Match Series: Lake Travis Predator Challenge: Jezioro Bestii
Fishing Sim World - 5 years ago
Dovetail Fishing League - June Week 4 Tournament Details
This is the part where things get serious. With just two weeks left in the June Dovetail Fishing League Season anglers will be looking to make a push up the leaderboards or cement their places at the top. Here's how things stand at the moment. Xbox One Big Bass Tour The Big Bass Tour's trip to Lake Johnson ended in victory for AlbertTrotter helping him to close in on the top 3. PhillyBass 1965 holds on to the top spot but good results for Mr Perfect 1967 and WicksySPY442 are really putting the pressure on. Week Winner: AlbertTrotter Season leader: PhillyBass 1965 Season 2nd place: Mr Perfect 1967 Season 3rd place: WicksySPY442 Carp Championship DazzerB05 jumped to the top of the Carp Championship leaderboard with a win at Jezioro Bestii. He now sits ahead of FlashCat and they have been joined by AlbertTrotter who now sits third. Week Winner: DazzerB05 Season leader: DazzerB05 Season 2nd place: FlashCat Season 3rd place: AlbertTrotter Match Series Bobcin3 came out on top at Lake Williams in the Match Series in week 3 and will be hoping for a similar result this week to close in on the top 3. It was all change in the season leaderboard as FlashCat has moved up to top spot in the season leaderboard. AlbertTrotter and Bigtimer J joined the top 3 and are now in second and third respectively. Week winner: bobcin3 Season leader: FlashCat Season 2nd place: AlbertTrotter Season 3rd place: l Bigtimer J l Predator Challenge AlbertTrotter extended his lead at the top of the Predator Challenge leaderboard with a win at Grand Union Canal. Second Place is still held by v NaTHaN 96 and he now has ScoobyHaze420 behind him in third after Scooby finished second in week 3. Week winner: AlbertTrotter Season leader: AlbertTrotter Season 2nd place: v NaTHaN 96 Season 3rd place: ScoobyHaze420 Global standings Sitting in the top three in three of the series means that AlbertTrotter holds onto his lead in the global standings. DazzerB05 has moved up into second ahead of SithLord5678 who has been bumped out of the top three by ScoobyHaze420. Leader: AlbertTrotter 2nd Place: DazzerB05 3rd Place: ScoobyHaze420 PlayStation 4 Big Bass Tour The victory in the Big Bass Tour was taken by hyt5rik2xz in week 3. A second place finish for kartoffel6 has now put them level on points with PHILLY-BASS-1965 in second place in the season standings. Stumain holds on to top spot while cous-34 has been promoted into third. Week Winner: hyt5rik2xz Season leader: stumain Season 2nd place: PHILLY-BASS-1965/kartoffel6 Season 3rd place: cous-34 Carp Championship A win for stumain in the Carp Championship have put him in the lead in the season standings. SMOKEYMON-G-313 has also moved up in the standings and now sits second. MLT24 now occupies third place. Week Winner: stumain Season leader: stumain Season 2nd place: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 3rd place: MLT24 Match Series Bobcin3 put pressure on the leaders with a win in the Match Series in week 3. SMOKEYMON-G-313 was able to extend his lead over stumain following a second place in week 3. MLT24 sits behind them in third. Week winner: bobcin3 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: stumain Season 3rd place: MLT24 Predator Challenge SMOKEYMON-G-313 took the win in the Predator Challenge in week 3 to extend his lead at the top. Perex62 has joined the top 3 in second place ahead of MLT24 in third. Week winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: perex62 Season 3rd place: MLT24 Global standings SMOKEYMON-G-313 is in a strong position going in to week 4 as he continues to occupy the top spot in the global leaderboard. It's not over though and stumain or MLT24 could still catch up. Leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 2nd Place: stumain 3rd Place: MLT24 Steam Big Bass Tour MilkinBad was the winner in the Big Bass Tour in week 3, making it three from three and extending his lead at the top of the leaderboard. KYA-Beast holds on to second place while facadedavid has joined them in the top 3. Week Winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: KYA-Beast Season 3rd place: facadedavid Carp Championship It was another good week in the Carp Championship for MilkinBad as he took the victory. BeasleyGreenwald moved up into second in the standings ahead of MachineX who has joined them in the top 3. Week Winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: BeasleyGreenwald Season 3rd place: MachineX Match Series Making it another hat-trick of wins, MilkinBad took the win in the Match Series in week 3. We are unchanged in the top 3 this weke with BeasleyGreenwald and vert maintaining their positions in second and third. Week winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: BeasleyGreenwald Season 3rd place: vert Predator Challenge Completing the clean sweep of victories in week 3, MilkinBad was the winner in the Predator Challenge. The tournament standings mirroring the season standings with BeasleyGreenwald finishing second and kensauter20 in third. Week winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: BeasleyGreenwald Season 3rd place: kensauter20 Global standings With the lead in all four of the series, MilkinBad is currently in a commanding position in the global standings. BeasleyGreenwald leads the chase sitting in second place. MachineX has moved up in to third to complete the top 3. Leader: MilkinBad 2nd Place: BeasleyGreenwald 3rd Place: MachineX With two weeks of tournaments left to fish, there's still opportunities to claim valuable points and make that push up the leaderboards. Those at the top will be looking to hold on to their positions with strong finishes in the remaining two weeks. Big Bass Tour: Lake Seminole is a popular venue in the real world bass tours and in the Big Bass Tour. We head there this week for a sunset tournament with a forecast of heavy rain. Carp Championship: We travel to the famous Gigantica Main Lake this week. This tournament will be taking place at sunset with clear skies. Match Series: The Match Series takes us to Austria this week with a trip to Bergsee on the cards. There's a light cloud covering for this tournament being held at sunrise. Predator Challenge: We're going deep in to the Amazon Rainforest for the Predator Challenge this week. Laguna Iquitos plays host to an afternoon tournament with dynamic weather.
Fishing Sim World - 5 years ago
Dovetail Fishing League - June Week 3 Tournament Details
Two down, three to go for the June Dovetail Fishing League. The standings are still finding their shape with so much fishing time left in the season but we can check in on how the leaderboards are currently looking. Xbox One Big Bass Tour Mr Perfect 1967 took victory in the Big Bass Tour on Lake Miller in Week 2 to put himself up in to second in the season standings. PhillyBass 1965 followed up his win last week with a second place to strengthen his place at the top. WicksySPY442 drops down in to third place. Week Winner: Mr Perfect 1967 Season leader: PhillyBass 1965 Season 2nd place: Mr Perfect 1967 Season 3rd place: WicksySPY442 Carp Championship SithLord5678 was the winner at Gigantica Road Lake in the Carp Championship, a result that brings them up in to third in the season leaderboard. FlashCat holds on to the lead while Assassin8331's second place finish has put them in second place for the season so far. Week Winner: SithLord5678 Season leader: FlashCat Season 2nd place: Assassin8331 Season 3rd place: SithLord5678 Match Series It was another win for SithLord5678 in the Match series at Wraysbury as they shared the spoils with Assassin8331 for first place. That win giving SithLord the lead in the season standings by just 5 points ahead of FlashCat who came in second following their win in the previous week. Things are very close at the top there as Assassin sits just 2 points behind them in third. Week winner: SithLord5678/Assassin8331 Season leader: SithLord5678 Season 2nd place: FlashCat Season 3rd place: Assassin8331 Predator Challenge AlbertTrotter came away with the victory at Lake Boulder in the Predator Challenge allowing them to leapfrog v NaTHaN 96 at the top of the season standings. Brutality7134 has now joined the top three in the leaderboard after a third place finish in week 2. Week winner: AlbertTrotter Season leader: AlbertTrotter Season 2nd place: v NaTHaN 96 Season 3rd place: Brutality7134 Global standings His performances in Week 2 have given AlbertTrotter the lead in the global standings. SithLord has joined them in the top three slotting in to second place while DazzerB05 has dropped down to third place. Leader: AlbertTrotter 2nd Place: SithLord5678 3rd Place: DazzerB05 PlayStation 4 Big Bass Tour It was a win for PHILLY-BASS-1965 in week 2 of the Big Bass Tour giving them second place in the standings. Continuing their strong form, stumain finished second following their win last week to hold on to the top spot. Completing the top 3 in third place is kartoffel6. Week Winner: PHILLY-BASS-1965 Season leader: stumain Season 2nd place: PHILLY-BASS-1965 Season 3rd place: kartoffel6 Carp Championship SMOKEYMON-G-313 hit back with a win in week 2 to enter the top 3 in third position in the season leaderboard. At the top, Ginger-Beard90 has moved ahead of JONBOY81068 to lead the standings. Week Winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: Ginger-Beard90 Season 2nd place: JONBOY81068 Season 3rd place: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Match Series The Match Series victory was shared by stumain and SMOKEYMON-G-313 in week 2. A second win in a row for SMOKEYMON-G-313 maintains their lead at the top. For stumain it means he moves clear of MLT24 in second place in the standings. Week winner: stumain/SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: stumain Season 3rd place: MLT24 Predator Challenge SMOKEYMON-G-313 moves ahead of MLT24 in the standings following their win in week 2 of the Predator Challenge. A third place for cous-34 has pushed them in to third place in the season leaderboard. Week winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Season 2nd place: MLT24 Season 3rd place: cous-34 Global standings SMOKEYMON-G-313 has taken over the lead of the global standings after three wins this week. Not far behind is stumain in second with MLT24 following in third. Leader: SMOKEYMON-G-313 2nd Place: stumain 3rd Place: MLT24 Steam Big Bass Tour It was two wins in a row for MilkinBad as he extends his lead at the top of the Big Bass Tour standings. KYA-Beast stays second following their second place finish in week 2. Third now belongs to highwiretx. Week Winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: KYA-Beast Season 3rd place: highwiretx Carp Championship Week 2 was a good week as a whole for MilkinBad, their second win of the week came in the Carp Championship moving them up in to first in the season standings. Rave45 drops in to second while BeasleyGreenwald occupies third place in the top 3. Week Winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: Rave45 Season 3rd place: BeasleyGreenwald Match Series MilkinBad made it a hat-trick of wins with victory in the Match Series in week 2. BeasleyGreenwald finished second in week 2 to join the top 3 in second place. Vert stays in third place. Week winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: BeasleyGreenwald Season 3rd place: vert Predator Challenge Completing the full sweep for the week, MilkinBad was the victor in the Predator Challenge. BeasleyGreenwald holds on to second place while kensauter20 has joined the top 3 follwing his second place finish in week 2. Week winner: MilkinBad Season leader: MilkinBad Season 2nd place: BeasleyGreenwald Season 3rd place: kensauter20 Global standings MilkinBad extended his lead at the top of the global standings following 4 wins this week. In such form he will take some catching. BeasleyGreenwald is in second place still overall and now hsa facadedavid behind him in third. Leader: MilkinBad 2nd Place: BeasleyGreenwald 3rd Place: facadedavid With plenty to play for in the remaining three weeks of the season, let's check in on where we'll be travelling to this week. Big Bass Tour: We're heading to Florida this week for the Big Bass Tour at Lake Johnson. The skies are clear for this morning tournament. Carp Championship: Jezioro Bestii plays host to the Carp Championship this week. This week it's a sunrise tournament with clear skies overhead. Match Series: Lake Williams is our destination for the Match Series taking place at sunset. The weather forecasts clear skies for this event. Predator Challenge: The Predator Challenge visits the Grand Union Canal this week. The weather is going to be dynamic for this tournament taking place in the morning.
Fishing Sim World - 5 years ago
Dovetail Fishing League - June Week 2 Tournament Details
We're in to week 2 of the June season of the Dovetail Fishing League. With the week 1 results in the bag let's see who made the best start to the month. Xbox One Big Bass Tour PhillyBass made a great start to the season taking the win at Lake Guntersville in the Big Bass Tour. Following him in second was WicksySPY442 with ScoobyHaze420 in third. Week 1 winner: PhillyBass 1965 Week 1 2nd place: WicksySPY442 Week 1 3rd place: ScoobyHaze420 Carp Championship FlashCat was the winner in the Carp Championship at Gillhams Fishing Resort in week 1. Second place went to Lavindathar with DazzerB05 in third. Week 1 winner: FlashCat Week 1 2nd place: Lavindathar Week 1 3rd place: DazzerB05 Match Series Starting as he means to go on in defending his title, Bigtimer J took victory in the Match Series at Manor Farm. DazzerB05 finished in second and FlashCat was our third place finisher. Week 1 winner: l Bigtimer J l Week 1 2nd place: DazzerB05 Week 1 3rd place: FlashCat Predator Challenge It was a good week for v NaTHaN 96 as he was the winner on Lake Jordan in the Predator Challenge. Second place went to AlbertTrotter with defending champion Bigtimer J finishing third. Week 1 winner: v NaTHaN 96 Week 1 2nd place: AlbertTrotter Week 1 3rd place: l Bigtimer J l Global standings Following week 1 of the June Dovetail Fishing League Season we've got DazzerB05 sat at the top of the global leaderboard. Last month's Angler of the Month Bigtimer J is sat in second and has AlbertTrotter behind him in third. Leader: DazzerB05 2nd Place: l Bigtimer J l 3rd Place: AlbertTrotter PlayStation 4 Big Bass Tour Stumain started his challenge for the Big Bass Tour in style with the week 1 win. Kartoffel6 finished second ahead of cous-34 in third. Week 1 winner: stumain Week 1 2nd place: kartoffel6 Week 1 3rd place: cous-34 Carp Championship A new challenger emerges with JONBOY81068 winning in week 1 in the Carp Championship. It was second place for Ginger-Beard90 and Giusesera finished third. Week 1 winner: JONBOY81068 Week 1 2nd place: Ginger-Beard90 Week 1 3rd place: Giusesera Match Series After such a close finish in the May season, SMOKEYMON-G-313 wanted to make a statement for the start of the June season. He took the win in week 1 ahead of stumain and last month's winner MLT24, both of them shared second place. Ginger-Beard completed the top 3 in third. Week 1 winner: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Week 1 2nd place: stumain/MLT24 Week 1 3rd place: Ginger-Beard90 Predator Challenge MLT24 made the best start to the Predator Challenge for this month. He took the win in week 1 with last week's winner SMOKEYMON-G-313 in second. It was another third place finish for Ginger-Beard90. Week 1 winner: MLT24 Week 1 2nd place: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Week 1 3rd place: Ginger-Beard90 Global standings A strong start from stumain has put him in the overall lead of the global standings. He's got last defending champion SMOKEYMON-G-313 behind him in second and Ginger-Beard90 sits third after some good results. Leader: stumain 2nd Place: SMOKEYMON-G-313 3rd Place: Ginger-Beard90 Steam Big Bass Tour After his clean sweep of the titles last month, MilkinBad started off well taking a win in the Big Bass Tour in week 1. Second place went to KYA-Beast and BeasleyGreenwald took third place. Week 1 winner: MilkinBad Week 1 2nd place: KYA-Beast Week 1 3rd place: BeasleyGreenwald Carp Championship Rave45 was the winner in week 1 of the Carp Championship ahead of defending champion MilkinBad. BeasleyGreenwald was the third place finisher for last week. Week 1 winner: Rave45 Week 1 2nd place: MilkinBad Week 1 3rd place: BeasleyGreenwald Match Series With another title to defend, MilkinBad started his defence with a win in the Match Series. A new face in MachineX entered the fray with a second place finish. Vert started their challenge with a third place. Week 1 winner: MilkinBad Week 1 2nd place: MachineX Week 1 3rd place: vert Predator Challenge MilkinBad started his defence of the Predator Challenge with a victory in week 1 of the Predator Challenge. BeasleyGreenwald is leading the chase in second place and facadedavid is backing him up in third place. Week 1 winner: MilkinBad Week 1 2nd place: BeasleyGreenwald Week 1 3rd place: facadedavid Global standings Defending champion MilkinBad has started his season on the right foot with three wins in week 1 putting him at the top of the global leaderboard. BeasleyGreenwald is on his tail in second place and Mat is there in third place. Leader: MilkinBad 2nd Place: BeasleyGreenwald 3rd Place: Mat The battle commences in week 2, have a look at where you'll be heading in the tournaments this week. Big Bass Tour: The Big Bass Tour is on its way to Lake Miller this week for the Big Bass Tour. This afternoon tournament will have dynamic weather so be prepared to change up your approach. Carp Championship: The famous Gigantica complex hosts the Carp Championship as we head to the Road Lake for week 2. It's a morning of light cloud in this tournament. Match Series: The hugely popular Wraysbury 1 South Lake is the venue for the Match Series this week. Taking place at sunrise with dynamic weather. Catch as many fish as you can. Predator Challenge: In the Predator Challenge we're travelling to Lake Boulder for a tournament at sunset. There's heavy rain forecast here which could make for some challenging conditions.
Fishing Sim World - 5 years ago
Dovetail Fishing League May 2020 Angler of the Month
The final week has left us with some unbelievably close finishes in the May 2020 Dovetail Fishing League Season. It has been a great effort from everyone taking part and June promises to be another fantastic month in the DFL. Xbox One DazzerB05 sealed the series win in the Big Bass Tour with a win at Lake Williams in week 4. It was a win for Assassin8331 in the final week of the Carp Championship but they were not able to reel in series winner mafioso filho in the end. AlbertTrotter closed out the season with a win in the Match Series at Wraysbury 1 South Lake as Bigtimer J was crowned the series winner. A win in week 4 at Laguna Iquitos for Bigtimer J allowed him to secure the win in the Predator Challenge. The Angler of the Month for the May 2020 Dovetail Fishing League season is Bigtimer J! Two series wins and strong placements in the other series give him the win overall this month. Angler of the Month: l Bigtimer J Series Winners Big Bass Tour: DazzerB05 Carp Championship: mafioso filho Match Series: l Bigtimer J l Predator Challenge: l Bigtimer J l PlayStation 4 It was a good month for SMOKEYMON-G-313 in the Big Bass Tour, they just missed out on 4 straight wins as kartoffel6 took the week 4 victory but his performances in the previous weeks were enough to take the series win. SMOKEYMON-G-313 finished ahead of Johnnij87 in week 4 to be able to move clear of them and take the win in the Carp Championship by just 12 points. MLT24's win was not quite enough to bring them level with the leaders. If the Carp Championship was close, the Match Series was something else! There were only 4 points separating our top 3 and the series win decided by a single point. MLT24 took the week 4 win to rocket into first place and claim the win in the series. In the Predator Challenge, SMOKEYMON-G-313 was able to make sure of the series win with a victory in week 4. Congratulations to our PlayStation 4 Angler of the Month for May - SMOKEYMON-G-313! Three series wins and second place in the Match Series give him a comfortable win in the end in the global standings. Angler of the Month: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Series Winners Big Bass Tour: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Carp Championship: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Match Series: MLT24 Predator Challenge: SMOKEYMON-G-313 Steam A massive congratulations needs to go to MilkinBad this month. Follwing a dominant performance in the final week of the season they are crowned not just Angler of the Month but the season winner across each series as well. Who will be challenging them in the June Dovetail Fishing League season? Angler of the Month: MilkinBad Series Winners Big Bass Tour: MilkinBad Carp Championship: MilkinBad Match Series: MilkinBad Predator Challenge: MilkinBad We want to say a huge thank you to everyone that continues to take part in the Dovetail Fishing League each week and also congratulations to all of our winners. June should be another great month in the Dovetail Fishing League. Before we go let's see where the June season will be starting us off in week 1 with our tournament details. Big Bass Tour: A favourite location for many bass anglers and the host venue for the Bassmaster Classic multiple times, we are heading to Lake Guntersville this week in the Big Bass Tour. This sunset tournament has clear skies so get out there and get the best bag of 5 bass you can. Carp Championship: A holiday destination and a famous fishing lake in one, Gillhams Fishing Resort is playing host to the Carp Championship this week with an afternoon tournament under clear skies. Match Series: Manor Farm at the Linear Fisheries Complex is our location of choice for the Match Series in week 1. A morning of heavy rain is forecast for this tournament but don't let the conditions put you off. Predator Challenge: This week's Predator Challenge is being held at Lake Jordan, a regular fixture on the real world bass tours. Sunrise with dynamic clouds means you may have to try out different lures for success here.
Fishing Sim World - 5 years ago