Bassmaster Fishing
Fish Species & Venue Logos - Bassmaster® Fishing 2022!

Bassmaster® Fishing 2022 will have 8 real-world venues at launch! These venues are packed with dense backwaters, wide open stretches of water, underwater structures, and many more environments for you to explore and master. You can check out our Venue Trailer below to see some of these gorgeous venues in action.
Part of what makes these venues so unique is the environments within them, so today we’ll be giving you the low-down on each of these varied experiences and showing you the brand new Bassmaster® Fishing 2022 logos that represent these fantastic venues.
St. Johns River, Palatka

St. Johns River, Palatka, is easily identifiable by the huge 4,020 feet long memorial bridge that is the only permanent vehicle crossing between Green Cove Sprins and Astor. This excellent venue provides anglers lots of variety for fishing, and with a shorter species list, you’ll want to focus in on specific fish and track them around the venue.
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- Chain Pickerel
- Channel Catfish
- Striped Bass
- Longnose Gar
St. Lawrence River

The St. Lawrence River stretches across Canada and into the United States, it holds one of the largest estuaries in the world. In Bassmaster® Fishing 2022 you’ll be setting off from Waddington on the United States side and be able to go round to Mariatown which is on the Canadian Side. This section is split by a strip of land through the middle, so you’ll want to put your trolling motor to good use as you skim along the bankside.
Fish Species List:
- Northern Pike
- Largemouth Bass
- Smallmouth Bass
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- Chain Pickerel
- Yellow Perch
- Walleye
- Muskie
- Tiger Muskie
- Brown Trout
- Rainbow Trout
- Coho Salmon
- Chinook Salmon
- Pumpkinseed
- Freshwater Drum
- Longnose Gar
Toledo Bend

Setting off from the iconic dock, Toledo Bend’s flags will see you off as you set out to catch some big bass. Toledo Bend is the largest man-made waterbody in the south and is home to record Largemouth Bass of 15.33lbs. Toledo Bend has plenty of variety, featuring some huge open waters and some smaller backwaters for you to navigate.
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Spotted Bass
- Black Crappie
- White Crappie
- Bluegill
- Chain Pickerel
- Longnose Gar
- Channel Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Flathead Catfish
- Striped Bass
- White Bass
- Freshwater Drum
Lake Guntersville, Scottsboro

Created by Guntersville Dam as part of the Tennessee Valley Act to help with agriculture, energy, industry, and recreation - Lake Guntersville has something for everyone! Setting off from huge wooden docks, you can stay within this area to explore twists and turns around residential homes – or you can head out right and follow it round to join the main body of water. The choice is yours!
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Spotted Bass
- Black Crappie
- White Crappie
- Bluegill
- Longnose Gar
- Chain Pickerel
- Walleye
- Channel Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Flathead Catfish
- Striped Bass
- White Bass
- Freshwater Drum
Chickamauga Lake

Chickamauga Lake known as “The Land of the Giants” for record breaking largemouth bass and rated as the second-best bass fishing lake in the U.S by Bassmaster Magazine. This lake will test your strength as you battle record-breaking bass into the boat. If you’re new to bass fishing, you’ll want to get plenty of practice in and bring the right kit to be successful.
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Smallmouth Bass
- Spotted Bass
- Black Crappie
- White Crappie
- Chain Pickerel
- Bluegill
- Longnose Gar
- Walleye
- Channel Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Flathead Catfish
- Striped Bass
- white bass
- Freshwater Drum
Lake Ray Roberts

The Bassmaster Classic 2021 venue – Lake Ray Roberts. Constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the 1980’s, this brilliant venue offers huge amounts of variety in fish and is a great place to explore. Shoot out to the left of the dock to start exploring some narrow waters, or head out to the right to hit the open water and admire the views as the sun sets below the horizon.
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Smallmouth Bass
- Spotted Bass
- Black Crappie
- White Crappie
- Longnose Gar
- Channel Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Bluegill
- Flathead Catfish
- Striped Bass
- White Bass
- Freshwater Drum
Sabine River

The Sabine River, a team favourite at Dovetail Games, will test your skills in multiple environments. This venue features swamps, dense industrial estates, and long stretches of water. Sabine comes from the Spanish word for Cypress, in reference to the growth of bald cypresses that you see along the river. With so many twists and turns, you’ll want to put your GPS system to good use to navigate this venue.
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- White Crappie
- Longnose Gar
- Channel Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Flathead Catfish
- Striped Bass
- Spotted Bass
- White Bass
- Freshwater Drum
Lake Hamilton

To finish up our logo reveal, we have Lake Hamilton. This is the first venue we announced back in May and the home of our Closed Alpha. This residential venue is a great starting place for beginner anglers but will also give experienced anglers a challenge, especially when you find some of those hawgs around the points of interest.
Fish Species List:
- Largemouth Bass
- Spotted Bass
- Black Crappie
- White Crappie
- Walleye
- Chain Pickerel
- Channel Catfish
- Flathead Catfish
- Blue Catfish
- Bluegill
- Rainbow Trout
- Striped Bass
- White Bass
- Freshwater Drum
Venues are just one of many challenges you’ll face when trying to climb the leader boards. Using the new GPS marker system and exploring these waters will be the key to success when you load up Bassmaster® Fishing 2022 this fall.
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Bassmaster Fishing
Fish Species & Venue Logos - Bassmaster® Fishing 2022!